Sethos - Genshin Impact Fandom Wiki Page

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Sethos is a playable Electro character in Genshin Impact.

Séþos iz a plāyabl Ėléctro ʞáracter in G̊énʃin Ímpact.

He is the leader of the Temple of Silence and a former vessel of Hermanubis.

Hē iz ðe lḗȧder ov ðe Témpl ov Sīlenç and a fórmer vésl ov Hermánŭbis.


1 Gameplay Info

1.1 Ascensions and Stats

1.2 Talents

1.2.1 Talent Upgrade

1.3 Constellation

2 Availability

2.1 Character Event Wishes

2.2 Chronicled Wishes

3 Other Languages

4 Change History

5 References

6 Navigation


1 G̊āmplāy Ínfo

1.1 Açénšonz and Stats

1.2 Tálents

1.2.1 Tálent Úpg̊rād

1.3 Constelāťon

2 Avāilabílity

2.1 Ʞárȧcter Ėvént Wíʃėz

2.2 Ʞrónicld Wíʃėz

3 Ôðr Láŋg̊wȧjėz

4 Чānǧ Hístory

5 Réfrençėz

6 Navig̊āťon

Gameplay Info

Ascensions and Stats

Gā́mplāy Ínfo

Açénšonz and Stats



Royal Reed Archery - Normal Attack

Róyal Rēd Árчery - Nórmal Aták

Normal Attack

Performs up to 3 consecutive shots with a bow.

Nórmal Aták

Perfórmz up to þrē consécūtiv ʃots wið a bōw.

Charged Attack

Performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.

While aiming, the power of Electro will accumulate on the arrowhead before the arrow is fired. Has different effects based on how long the energy has been charged:

Чarǧd Aták

Perfórmz a mor prėçīs Āimd Ʃot wið incrḗȧsd DMǦ.

Ƕīl ā́imiŋ, ðe paŭer ov Ėléctrō wil acū́mūlāt on ðe árōwheȧd bėfór ðe árōw iz fīrd. Haz díferent efécts bāsd on haŭ loŋ ðe énerǧy haz bēn чarǧd:

Charge Level 1: Fires off an arrow carrying the power of lightning that deals Electro DMG.

Чarǧ Levl 1: Fīrz of an árōw cáryiŋ ðe paŭer ov líȝtniŋ ðat dēȧlz Ėléctrō DMǦ.

Charge Level 2: Fires off a Shadowpiercing Shot which can pierce enemies, dealing Electro DMG to enemies along its path. After the Shadowpiercing Shot is fully charged, Sethos cannot move around.

Чarǧ Levl 2: Fīrz of a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot ƕiч can pïerç énemïz, dēȧliŋ Ėléctrō DMǦ tŏ énemïz alóŋ its paþ. Áftr ðe Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot iz fŭly чarǧd, Ʃéþos canót mŏv araŭnd.

Plunging Attack

Fires off a shower of arrows in mid-air before falling and striking the ground, dealing AoE DMG upon impact.

Plúnǧiŋ Aták

Fīrz of a ʃaŭer ov árōwz in mid-ăr bėfór fåliŋ and strīkiŋ ðe graŭnd, dēȧliŋ ĂoĖ DMG upón ímpact.

Passive Effects

Ṕasiv Ėfécts

Passive Talent 1, Black Kite's Enigma:

"When Aiming, the charging time is decreased by 0.285s based on each point of Sethos's current Elemental Energy. Charging time can be reduced to a minimum of 0.3s through this method and a maximum of 20 Energy can be tallied. If a Shadowpiercing Shot is fired, consume the tallied amount of Elemental Energy; if it is a Charge Level 1 shot, then consume 50% of the tallied amount of Elemental Energy."

Pásiv Tálent 1, Blak Kīt’s Enígma:

“Ƕen Āiming, ðe чarǧiŋ tīm iz dėcrēȧsd bȳ 0.285s bāsd on ēȧч point ov Séþos’z cúrent Elėméntal Énerǧy. Чarǧiŋ tīm can bē rėdū́çd tŏ a mínimŭm ov 0.3s þrȣȝ ðis méþod and a máximŭm ov twénty Énerǧy can be tálïd. If a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot iz fīrd, consūm ðe tálïd amáŭnt ov Elėméntal Énerǧy; if it iz a Чarǧ Levl 1 ʃot, ðen consūm fífty perçént ov ðe tálïd amáŭnt ov Elėméntal Énerǧy.”

Passive Talent 2, The Sand King's Boon:

"Sethos gains the 'Scorching Sandshade' effect, increasing the DMG dealt by Shadowpiercing Shots by 700% of Sethos's Elemental Mastery. The Scorching Sandshade effect will be canceled when any of the following conditions are met:

Pásiv Tálent 2, ðe Sand King’z Bꝏn:

“Séþos gāinz ðe ‘Skórчiŋ Sándʃād’ ėféct, incrēȧsiŋ ðe DMG deàlt bȳ Ʃadōwpïerçiŋ Ʃots bȳ séven húndred perçént of Séþos’z Elėméntal Mástery. ðe Skórчiŋ Sándʃād ėféct wil bē cánçeld ƕen ăny ov ðe fólōwiŋ condíťonz ar met:

5s after a Shadowpiercing Shot first hits an opponent.

5s after a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot first hits an opōnent.

After 4 Shadowpiercing Shots strike opponents.

After 4 Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃots strīk opōnents.

When a Shadowpiercing Shot affected by Scorching Sandshade first hits an opponent, Sethos will regain Scorching Sandshade after 15s."

Ƕen a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot aféctėd bȳ Skórчiŋ Sándʃād first hits an opōnent, Séþos wil rḗgāin Skórчiŋ Sándʃād after 15s.”

Constellation Effects

Constelāťon Ėfécts

Constellation Level 1, Sealed Shrine's Spiritsong:

"The CRIT Rate of Shadowpiercing Shot is increased by 15%."

Constelāťon Levl 1, Sēȧld Ʃrīn’z Spíritsoŋ:

“ðe CRIT Rāt ov Ʃadōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot iz incrḗȧsd bȳ 15%.”

Constellation Level 3, Ode to the Moonrise Sage:

Increases this talent's level by 3, up to a maximum of 15.

Constelāťon Levl 3, Ōd tŏ ðe Mꝏnrīz Sāǧ:

Incrḗȧsėz ðis tálent’s levl bȳ 3, up tŏ a máximŭm ov 15.

Constellation Level 4, Beneficent Plumage:

"When a Shadowpiercing Shot or Dusk Bolt strikes 2 or more opponents, all nearby party members gain 80 Elemental Mastery for 10s."

Constelāťon Levl 4, Benėfíçent Plūmȧǧ:

“Ƕen a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot or Dusk Bolt strīks 2 or mor opōnents, ål nḗrbȳ párty mémberz gāin 80 Elėméntal Mástery for 10s.”

Constellation Level 6, Pylon of the Sojourning Sun Temple: "After Shadowpiercing Shot strikes an opponent, the Elemental Energy consumed by the Passive Talent 'Black Kite's Enigma' will be returned. This effect can be triggered up to once every 15s. You must first unlock the Passive Talent 'Black Kite's Enigma.'"

Constelāťon Levl 6, Pȳlon ov ðe Sōjȣ́rniŋ Sun Témpl: “After Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot strīkes an opōnent, ðe Elėméntal Énerǧy consūmd bȳ ðe Pásiv Tálent ‘Blak Kīt’s Enígma’ wil bē rėtúrnd. ðis ėféct can be tríg̊erd up tŏ wunç évry 15s. Yȣ must first unlók ðe Pásiv Tálent ‘Blak Kit̄’s Enígma’.”

Ancient Rite: The Thundering Sands - Elemental Skill

Ā́nç̌ent Rīt: ðe Þúnderiŋ Sands - Elėméntal Skil

Gathers the might of thunder, dealing AoE Electro DMG and quickly retreating. If this attack triggers Electro-Charged, Superconduct, Overloaded, Quicken, Aggravate, or Electro Swirl reactions, Sethos recovers a certain amount of Elemental Energy.

G̊aðerz ðe mīȝt ov þúnder, dēȧliŋ ĂoĖ Eléctrō DMǦ and quíkly rėtrḗȧtiŋ. If ðis aták trig̊erz Eléctrō-Чarǧd, Sǘperconduct, Ōverlṓàdėd, Quíken, Ág̊ravāt, or Eléctrō Swirl rēácťonz, Séþos rėcôverz a çértan amaŭnt ov Elėméntal Énerǧy.

When this skill hits at least one enemy, it generates 2 Elemental Particles.

Ƕen ðis skil hits at lēst (least) wun/uôn énemy, it ǧénerāts 2 Elėméntal Párticlz.

Constellation Effects

Constelāťon Ėfécts

Constellation Level 2, Papyrus Scripture of Silent Secrets: "When any of the following conditions are met, Sethos gains a 15% Electro DMG Bonus for 10s that may stack twice, with each stack duration counted independently:

Constelāťon Levl 2, Papȳrŭs Skriptūr ov Sīlent Sēcrets: “Ƕen ăny ov ðe fólōwiŋ condíťons ar met, Séþos gāinz a 15% Eléctro DMǦ Bōnŭs for 10s ðat māy stak twīç, wið ēȧч stak dūrā́ťon caŭntėd indėpéndently:

Consuming Elemental Energy through Aimed Shots; you must first unlock the Passive Talent 'Black Kite's Enigma' to trigger this condition.

Consūmiŋ Elėméntal Énerǧy þrȣ̈ȝ Āimd Ʃots; yȣ̈ must first unlók ðe Pásiv Tálent ‘Blak Kīt’s Enígma’ to trig̊er ðis condíťon.

Regaining Elemental Energy by triggering Elemental Reactions using Ancient Rite: The Thundering Sands.

Rēgāiniŋ Elėméntal Énerǧy by tríg̊eriŋ Elėméntal Rēácťonz us̈iŋ Ā́nç̌ent Rīt: ðe Þúnderiŋ Sandz.

Using Secret Rite: Twilight Shadowpiercer.

Us̈iŋ Sēcret Rīt: Twī́līȝt Ʃádōwpïerçer.

Secret Rite: Twilight Shadowpiercer - Elemental Burst

Sēcret Rīt: Twī́līȝt Ʃádōwpïerçer - Elėméntal Burst

Perform a secret rite, entering the "Twilight Meditation" state, during which Sethos's Normal Attacks will be converted into enemy-piercing Dusk Bolts: Deal Electro DMG to opponents in its path, with DMG increased based on Sethos's Elemental Mastery.

Sethos cannot perform Aimed Shots while in this state.

DMG dealt by Dusk Bolts is considered Charged Attack DMG.

This effect will be canceled when Sethos leaves the field.

Perfórm a sēcret rīt, énteriŋ ðe “Twī́līȝt Meditāťon” stāt, dūriŋ ƕiч Séþos’z Nórmal Atáks wil bē convértėd íntŏ énemy-pïerçiŋ Dusk Bolts: Dēȧl Eléctrō DMǦ tŏ opōnents in its paþ, wið DMǦ incrḗàsd bāsd on Séþos’z Elėméntal Mástery.

Séþos cannót perfórm Āimd Ʃots ƕīl in ðis stāt.

DMǦ deàld bȳ Dusk Bolts is consíderd Чarǧd Aták DMǦ.

ðis eféct wil bē cánçeld ƕen Séþos lēȧvz ðe fïld.

Constellation Effects

Constelāťon Efécts

Constellation Level 4, Beneficent Plumage: "When a Shadowpiercing Shot or Dusk Bolt strikes 2 or more opponents, all nearby party members gain 80 Elemental Mastery for 10s."

Constelāťon Levl 4, Benefíçent Plūmaǧ: “Ƕen a Ʃadōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot or Dusk Bolt strīks 2 or mor opōnents, ål nērbȳ́ párty mémberz gāin 80 Elėméntal Mástery for 10s.”

Black Kite's Enigma - 1st Ascension Passive

Blak Kīt’s Enígma - 1st Açénšon Pásiv

When Aiming, the charging time is decreased by 0.285s based on each point of Sethos's current Elemental Energy. Charging time can be reduced to a minimum of 0.3s through this method and a maximum of 20 Energy can be tallied. If a Shadowpiercing Shot is fired, consume the tallied amount of Elemental Energy; if it is a Charge Level 1 shot, then consume 50% of the tallied amount of Elemental Energy.

Ƕen Āimiŋ, ðe чarǧiŋ tīm is̈/iz dėcrḗȧsd bȳ 0.285s bāsd on ēȧч point ov Séþos’z curent Elėméntal Énerǧy. Чarǧiŋ tīm can bē rėdūçd tŏ a mínimŭm ov 0.3s þrȣ̈ȝ ðis méþod and a máximŭm ov 20 Énerǧy can be tálïd/tálÿd. If a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot iz fīrd, consūm ðe tálÿd amaŭnt ov Elėméntal Énerǧy; if it iz a Чarǧ Levl 1 ʃot, ðen consūm 50% ov ðe tálÿd amaŭnt ov Elėméntal Énerǧy.

The Sand King's Boon - 4th Ascension Passive

ðe Sand King’z Bꝏn - 4th Açénšon Pásiv

Sethos gains the "Scorching Sandshade" effect, increasing the DMG dealt by Shadowpiercing Shots by 700% of Sethos's Elemental Mastery.

The Scorching Sandshade effect will be canceled when any of the following conditions are met:

Séþos gāinz ðe “Skórчiŋ Sándʃād” ėféct, incrēȧsiŋ ðe DMǦ deàld bȳ Ʃadōwpïerçiŋ Ʃots by 700% of Séþos’z Elėméntal Mástery. ðe Skórчiŋ Sándʃād ėféct wil bē cánçeld ƕen ăny ov ðe fólōwiŋ condíťonz ar met:

5s after a Shadowpiercing Shot first hits an opponent.

5s after a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot first hits an opōnent.

After 4 Shadowpiercing Shots strike opponents.

After 4 Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃots strīk opōnents.

When a Shadowpiercing Shot affected by Scorching Sandshade first hits an opponent, Sethos will regain Scorching Sandshade after 15s.

Ƕen a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot afécted bȳ Skórчiŋ Sándʃād first hits an opōnent, Séþos wil rēgā́in Skórчiŋ Sándʃād after 15s.

When the "Scorching Sandshade" effect is active, it is denoted by a floating icon consisting of two purple triangles in an hourglass shape.

Ƕen ðe “Skórчiŋ Sándʃād” ėféct iz áctiv, it iz dėnōtėd bȳ a flōàtiŋ īcon consístiŋ ov tẁo/tw̄ púrpl trīaŋg̊lz in an h̀áŭrg̊las ʃāp.

Thoth's Revelation - Utility Passive

Thoth’s Revelāťon - Ūtílity Pásiv

Displays the location of nearby resources unique to Sumeru on the mini-map.

Displāyz ðe lōcā́ťon ov nērbȳ́ rḗsȣ̊rçėz ūnḯq tŏ Sū́merū on ðe míni-map.

Sethos must be in the active party for Thoth's Revelation to take effect, but he does not need to be alive.

Séþos must bē in ðe áctiv párty for Thoth’s Revėlāťon tŏ tāk ėféct, but hē dôz not nēd tŏ bē alīv.

Only one local specialty will be shown on the mini-map at a time.

Ōnly wun lōcal spéç̌alty wil bē ʃōwn on ðe míni-map at a tīm.

Because they double as a Wildlife, Scarabs are not generated by the game unless the player is close to their spawning point, making this talent's effect less efficient when searching for Scarabs compared to Local Specialties that are fixed objects.

Bėcǻz ðey dȣ̂bl az a Wī́ldlīf, Skárabz ar not ǧénerātėd bȳ ðe g̊ām unlés ðe plāyer iz clōs tŏ ðeir spáwniŋ point, mākiŋ ðis tálent’s ėféct les ėfíç̌ent ƕen serчiŋ for Skárabz compắrd tŏ Lōcal Spéç̌altÿz ðat ar fixd óbjects.

The following Talent is identical to this talent:

Encyclopedic Knowledge (Tighnari)

ðe fōlōwiŋ Tálent iz īdéntical tŏ ðis tálent: Ençȳclopǽdik G̀noẁliǧ / K̀nolij.

Talent Upgrade

Tálent Upg̊rād

Talent Level

Required Ascension

Mora [Subtotal]

Enhancement Materials [Subtotal]

Character Talent Materials [Subtotal]

Tálent Levl

Rėquīrd Açénšon

Móra [Súbtōtal]

Ėnhánçment Matērïalz [Súbtōtal]

Ʞárȧkter Tálent Matērïalz [Súbtōtal]

Total Cost (1 → 10 for one talent)

Tōtal Cost (1 → 10 for wun tálent)


Faded Red Satin

Trimmed Red Silk

Rich Red Brocade

Teachings of Praxis

Guide to Praxis

Philosophies of Praxis

Daka's Bell

Crown of Insight


Fādėd Red Sátin

Trimd Red Silk

Riч Red Brocād

Tēчiŋz ov Práxis

G̊īd tŏ Práxis

Φilósoφÿz ov Práxis

Dáka’z Bell

Kraŭn ov Ínsīȝt



Icon - Name - Level


Sealed Shrine's Spiritsong

Sēld Ʃrīn’z Spíritsoŋ

The CRIT Rate of Shadowpiercing Shot is increased by 15%.

ðe CRIT Rāt ov Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot iz incrēsd by 15%.

Papyrus Scripture of Silent Secrets

Papȳrus Skríptūr ov Sīlent Sēcrets

When any of the following conditions are met, Sethos gains a 15% Electro DMG Bonus for 10s that may stack twice, with each stack duration counted independently:

Ƕen ăny ov ðe fōlōwiŋ condíťonz ar met, Séþos gāinz a 15% Eléctrō DMǦ Bōnus for 10s ðat māy stak twīç, wið ēч stak dūrā́ťon caŭntėd indėpéndently:

Consuming Elemental Energy through Aimed Shots; you must first unlock the Passive Talent "Black Kite's Enigma" to trigger this condition.

Consūmiŋ Elėméntal Énerǧy þrȣ̈ȝ Āimd Ʃots; yȣ̈ must first unlók ðe Pásiv Tálent “Blak Kīt’s Enígma” tŏ trig̊er ðis condīťon.

Regaining Elemental Energy by triggering Elemental Reactions using Ancient Rite: The Thundering Sands.

Rēgā́iniŋ Elėméntal Énerǧy bȳ trígeriŋ Elėméntal Rēákťonz ūziŋ Ānç̌ent Rīt: ðe Þúnderiŋ Sandz.

Using Secret Rite: Twilight Shadowpiercer.

Ūziŋ Sēcret Rīt: Twī́līȝt Ʃádōwpïerçer.

Ode to the Moonrise Sage

Ōd tŏ ðe Mꝏ́nrīz Sāǧ.

Increases the Level of Normal Attack: Royal Reed Archery by 3.

Incrēsėz ðe Levl ov Nórmal Aták: Róyal Rēd Árчery bȳ 3.

Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Máximum úpg̊rād levl iz 15.

Beneficent Plumage

Benéfiçent Plūmaǧ

When a Shadowpiercing Shot or Dusk Bolt strikes 2 or more opponents, all nearby party members gain 80 Elemental Mastery for 10s.

Ƕen a Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot or Dusk Bolt strīks 2 or mor opōnents, ål nērbȳ́ párty mémberz gāin 80 Elėméntal Mástery for 10s.

Record of the Desolate God's Burning Sands

Récord ov ðe Désolat G̊od’z Burniŋ Sandz

Increases the Level of Secret Rite: Twilight Shadowpiercer by 3.

Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Incrēsėz ðe Levl of Sēcret Rīt: Twī́līȝt Ʃádōwpïerçer bȳ 3.

Máximum úpg̊rād levl iz 15.

Pylon of the Sojourning Sun Temple

Pȳlon ov ðe Sojȣ́rniŋ Sun Témpl

After Shadowpiercing Shot strikes an opponent, the Elemental Energy consumed by the Passive Talent "Black Kite's Enigma" will be returned. This effect can be triggered up to once every 15s. You must first unlock the Passive Talent "Black Kite's Enigma."

After Ʃádōwpïerçiŋ Ʃot strīks an opōnent, ðē Elėméntal Énerǧy consūmd bȳ ðe Pásiv Tálent “Blak Kīt’s Eníg̊ma” wil bē rėtúrnd. ðis ėféct can bē trīg̊erd up tŏ wunç évry 15s. Yȣ̈ must first unlók ðe Pásiv Tálent “Blak Kīt’s Eníg̊ma”.

Each Constellation activation requires one Sethos's Stella Fortuna.

Ēч Constelāťon activāťon rėquīrz wun Séþos’z Stela Fortūna.



Character Event Wishes

Ʞarȧkter Ėvént Wíʃėz

Sethos has been promoted or featured with a drop-rate boost in 2 Event Wishes:

Séþos haz bēn promōtėd or fḗtūrd / fḗàtūrd wið a dróp-rāt bꝏst in 2 Ėvént Wíʃėz:

Wish - Featured - Duration - Version

Wiʃ - Fḗàtūrd - Dūrā́ťon - Vérš̈on/Véržon

Illuminating Lightning 2024-06-05

Ilū́minātiŋ Līȝtniŋ 2024-06-05

Caution in Confidence 2024-06-05

Cåťon in Cónfidenç 2024-06-05

Chronicled Wishes

Ʞrónikld Wíʃėz

Sethos has not been included in any Chronicled Wishes.

Séþos haz not bēn inclūdėd in ăny Ʞrónikld Wíʃėz.

Last updated